Thank you for visiting my blog!

I am a 26 year old photographer, mother, daughter, friend. I take a journalistic view to my photography. My main goal is to catch true emotion and feeling. Hopefully by reading this blog you can gather a sense of what my work and I are about. Thanks for reading!

Monday, June 28, 2010

We love you Desmond.


  1. Great photo...shows exactly how I feel before coffee in the morning.

  2. Love this entry! Love the way Desmond's lip is caught in his teeth and love love love the composition!

  3. we have a boxer too and he gets a snaggle tooth like this all the time. I think it's hilarious. thanks for sharing your picture!

  4. Love this photo! Boxers are awesome dogs!

  5. He is the best dog we have EVER had...Boxers truly are amazing....despite the gas and eye boogers. :)


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